Our next major state event is the State Master Councilor's Retreat, which will be held at the Greene Family Camp on November 16-18, 2001. This event includes structured seminars for Councilors, DeMolays and Advisors, and is a great opportunity to get together with the members of other Chapters and exchange ideas. Other activities will include basketball, volleyball and a dance on Saturday night with the Job's Daughters of Texas, who will be holding their annual Rally in conjunction with our event. There will be a State Initiation at this event. Attendees will be sleeping in dormitory-style cabins with central air and heat. You are required to bring your own linens and pillow for your bed, your own towels, soap, etc. Chapter check-in begins Friday night at 8:00 PM. The registration form is available for download in PDF format. You can also view the Tentative Agenda for the State Master Councilor's Retreat.