Joseph Weldon Clampitte ( email )
Executive Officer of Texas DeMolay

J. Weldon Clampitte was born in Houston, Texas on December 28, 1935, and graduated from San Jacinto High School in 1955. He attended Houston Community College and the University of Houston. He joined the Bellaire Fire Department in 1955 and left in 1957 to join the Houston Police Department. He attended the Houston Police Academy in 1957 and was employed by the HPD for 27 years. He served three years in Radio Patrol and Dispatch, 7 years in Juvenile and 17 years as a detective in the Homicide Division. He retired from HPD and joined the Harris County District Attorney's Office as a Senior Investigator where he has served for 17 years.

Having been involved in law enforcement for so many years, it only seemed natural that he find the love of his life in the police department. Weldon met Laura Lee Faulkner while both of them worked for HPD, marrying her a year and a half after he retired and only four days before he went to work for Harris County. Between them they have five children, all of which Weldon considers as his. Weldon has two girls and a son and Laura has two girls. They also have four grandchildren, two girls and two boys. He is an active member of First Methodist Church in Houston.

Weldon completed his degrees of Craft Masonry on February 5, 1959 in Bellaire Lodge No. 1336 and later served as Worshipful Master of that Lodge in 1977-78. He affiliated with Gray Lodge No. 329 in 1988 and served as Worshipful Master of that lodge in 1992-93. He is a charter member of J.W. Chandler Lodge No. 1452 and served as its Charter Treasurer until 1992. Weldon affiliated with Holland Lodge No. 1 in 1999 and Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 in 2000 as a charter member. He is an endowed member in all of these lodges. Bellaire Lodge recognized his leadership and dedication to Freemasonry when they honored him as a recipient of the Golden Trowel Award.

He served as Grand Senior Deacon of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas for R.W. J.D. Buddy Baccus in 1983, District Deputy Grand Master for R.W. John E. Jack Kelly in 1987, and as Grand Marshall for R.W. A. D. Hanna in 1992. He was the Regional Coordinator for Houston for the Grand Master's conferences in the years 1985-1991, 1993 and 1996. Weldon has also served many years on and has frequently been Chairman of the Grievances and Appeals Committee for the Grand Lodge. He also served as Chairman of the Statistics Committee and as an Assistant State Coordinator for R.W. W. Vernon Burke, Jr. and M.W. David B. Dibrell.

Weldon was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Washington Chapter No. 2 on June 18, 1977, and is an endowed member. He served as High Priest in 1986-87, Treasurer from 1987-2001 and received the Order of High Priesthood in 1986. He served as the Grand Royal Arch Captain in 1989 for the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas for V.E. Ferris Benham, District Deputy Grand High Priest in 1990 for V.E. J.D. Buddy Baccus, Grand Orator in 1995 for V.E. William Schroeder and in 2001 as Grand Marshal for M.E. Robert P. Bob Walker. He has served on the Grievances and Appeals Committee since 1998. He also served as State Coordinator for the York Rite Workshop Program in 1991 and 1994.

He was greeted a Royal and Select Master in Houston Council No. 1 on June 18, 1977 and is an endowed member. He served as Thrice Illustrious Master of that council in 1987-88, Treasurer from 1987-2001 and received the Order of the Silver Trowel in 1986. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master in the Grand Council in 1991 for V.I. Richard Coates and as Grand Marshal in 1999 for V.I John Charles Elkinton. He has served on both the Purpose and Policies Committee and the Awards and Honors Committee.

Weldon was knighted in Ruthven Commandery No. 2 on March 23, 1979 and marched on their drill team for over 12 years. He affiliated with Houston Commandery No. 95 and served as the Commander of that Commandery in 1989. He is an endowed member of both Commanderies. He has served on the Public Relations Committee for the Grand Commandery of Texas for 1990 to 1999 and was the creator of the Cross and Crown Award and the Excalibur Award. He has also served as the editor for the Texas Insert for the Knight Templar Magazine for the last two years. He received his Knight York Cross of Honor in 1990 in Texas Priory No. 23 and was a charter member of Thomas H. Rideout Priory No. 75, serving as its Eminent Prior in 1998. He was knighted in Texas York Rite College No. 14 in 1985 and was a charter member of Gulf Coast York Rite College No. 106, serving as Pre-Eminent Governor in 1996. He received the Order of the Purple Cross from the Sovereign York Rite College in 1997. He is also a member of the Resurrection Tabernacle XXI, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priest, where he currently serves as the 6th Pillar. He is currently serving as Viceroy for the San Jacinto Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine.

He received the Scottish Rite Degrees in the Valley of Houston in 1965 and is an endowed member, serving as the head of two of its bodies. He received his Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in 1977 and was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in 1983.

Weldon served as Chairman of the Advisory Board of Sam B. Cantey Chapter, Order of DeMolay for five years and holds the Honorary Legion of Honor. He was appointed as the Personal Representative of the Grand Master of DeMolay for the State of Texas in 2001. He is a member of Bluebell Chapter No. 856, Order of the Eastern Star, and served as Worthy Patron in 1987. He is a member of Houston Council, Allied Masonic Degrees and has received the Red Branch of Eri. He was Excellent Chief of Anson Jones Council No. 47, Knight Masons in 1998. He is a member of the Texas Lodge of Research where he has served in several of the appointed offices.

Weldon is a man and Mason known to be true to his word and never without an opinion to share. He is a leader with direction, having a definite destination along with the motivation to get there. A true Mason's Mason.

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